Saturday, December 15, 2012

A new job before a new year

As I finished working at the cannery for the season by the end of November, it became time to look for a new job. I heard that a nearby mobile slaughter company might be looking for a job, so I decided that would be the first place I began my search. After driving out tho the slaughterhouse and talking to one of the co-owners, I got the job. No interview, no paperwork (yet), no need for references, and thankfully no cumbersome search for a job. Talk about a slam dunk in terms of easiest time I ever had at getting a job.

So today was my first day on the new job. I woke up at 5 am, got to work a few minutes before 7 am (and even before the co-owner who I talked to was there--let's call him "C". Went with that guy to get the slaughter truck (to where the other co-owner was still asleep in his house--let's call him "K") and then started by cleaning out the truck from the day before (which I apparently cleaned it better than usual). Once out in the field, I helped/watched K and another worker, both of who were younger than me, butcher a bull, hog, 5 male sheep (rams), and 2 female sheep (ewes).

The first place went well with the exception of the bull wanting to have a staredown contest with K that ended with the bull being shot before it could charge. The second place and the third place were a pain in the butt to get onto and out of as the driveways were winding, one-lane gravel roads on a steep hill. Getting down was not as bad as getting back up. The pig slaughter went fine at the second place as the pig was literally waiting to be shot at the gate with a young pig next to it that still lives (and most likely will have bad dreams of it's sibling getting killed). At the third place, we had to shoot the sheep in their pens and then drag them out by hand--that is tiring work. I finally got to help cut an dead animal, which meant taking a hacksaw to the back legs just above the ankle.

Even though it was cold and rained most of the time, I would take this job that feels meaningful any day over a job for a corporation where you are just another person to be payed. And yes, that means I would be happy to do this job in any type of weather. Besides someone has to do it. Might as well be a person with close to no sense of smell like me. (Although I may find the bees annoying come Summer--Do you think they sell beekeeper hats somewhere?)

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